Critter Cam: All Videos

Videos 📺

Videos are updated very regularly after the cameras are triggered, sometimes immediately but at the very least once every few hours. 

The current cameras in use are not capable of live streaming, although this might change at some point in the future. Directly below is a selection of ALL videos from July 7, 2024 on, and this is updated automatically when new videos are added to the database. Just click on one of the links to view the video. The project has been capturing video since June 1, but only videos from on or after July 7 are shown (the date when the database to share them here was created). 

➡️ Most videos are posted in almost real time to our Instagram account stories, @DCCritterCam


Juy 17, 2024

I've begun logging all videos by species, which you can see in the folders at the top of the files below. Everything from after roughly July 15 will be logged in folders for each species. I'll eventually place the earlier stuff in an archive folder but for now I've left them below the species folders. 

All videos from July 7 to present